A Crossover That Should Never, Ever Happen
by Lucy Gillam
"Are we absolutely certain we want to do this?"
"Well, it's not so much want as need at this point, sir."
"It's just -- it's a very serious step, Leo, or it should be, even if it hasn't always been treated like one. We have this enormous power at our disposal - at our disposal - America's. I know he tries to be fair; I know I try to be fair, and of course he can't be everywhere at once. But every time I make that call, I think of all the other times it wasn't possible - it wasn't possible, or it wasn't feasible, or we just plain chose not to."
"Mr. President...."
"Not to mention the costume. I mean, I know the image is iconic, but blue tights and red jockey shorts lack a certain... gravitas."
"Mr. President, I'm sure we all appreciate your ethical and sartorial concerns, but a highrise is going to collapse at any minute because a government contractor saved a few bucks on sub-standard materials, and I think the good citizens of Chicago would prefer it didn't fall on their heads."
President Bartlet released a deep breath and nodded. "All right. Get me the Fortress of Solitude."