Story notes for "Juncture" by Resonant

First posted to ex-wood on May 10, 2002

So I've been working on the tattoo story since February. I've been working on it for so long that I'm beginning to wonder whether maybe it will take me as long to write Ray's adolescence as it took him to actually live it.

And one night I run into Julad in chat, and she's lamenting the fact that all her Smallville inspirations seem to want to be epics, or at least episodes. And she says:

Julad: dare ya
Julad: drop and give me 10k of f/k sex
Julad: a thousand words, come on
Julad: and i'll do a thousand words of lex and clark not knowing why they're having sex

So I did, and about an hour later (give or take the time it took her to help me fix the ending), this is what we had. (Look for Julad's "What Matters" at her site.)

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