Archive: Ars Atlantiadae

The last passage is unreadable because it is in the language of the Ancients.
Se Narsaugir
Text and Commentary, by Aesc
aural version, by Cate (right click and save; feedback here)
or audiobook version with art, by Cybel (right click and save)
madrigal version, by Cate (right click and save; feedback here)
chant rendition, by Fleur Rochard (right click and save; feedback here)

Atlantis Rising
Full-sized mural, by Wihluta
Art and Commentary, by Wihluta

The Iohannes Cash Poem
Text and Commentary, by Aesc
liturgical version, by Cate (right click and save; feedback here)
sung version, by Cate (right click and save; feedback here)

Song of the City (the Darbel Fragment)
Text and Commentary, by Kass Rachel
choral version, by Lim
speech and chant by Fleur Rochard

Teyla Emmagen, Regina Atlantiadae
Portrait, by ileliberte (feedback here)

Traditional chant during The Day of the First Prince
gregorian version, by macey_muse

The Founder
"The Founder," Anonymous, circa 136 A.T.

Family Portrait, First Lantean Monarchy
Portrait by anna_luna (Feedback here)
NB - One of the few surviving family portraits of the first Lantean Monarchy, featuring Ioannes Iuvenm ("Kit"), Teyla Emmagen, Rodney McKay, John Sheppard, Timotheus, and Jeanlouise ("Scout"). It was discovered in the personal collection of a nobleman who had acquired it from another in an auction many years before; it now has been donated to the Museum of Pegasus Arts and Culture in Atlantis. There exists some controversy about whether the family actually posed for the painting, or if it was made from photographs, holograms, the imagination of the artist or a mixture of all of the above. Supporting the hypothesis that it was not drawn from life is the fact that both of Sheppard's sons look almost exactly like him (with no hint of their mother's parentage) and that Sheppard and McKay's daughter looks like neither. On the other hand, both Sheppard and Emmagen look similar to other documented likenesses; as King and Queen of Atlantis, they traveled widely, so of course their likenesses were much better known.

Queen Teyla of Atlantis
Sketch and Watercolor, by Mokarran

The Collected Correspondence of Iohannes Iuvenum, and his sister, Jeanlouise
Excerpts, by aella-irene

The End