Forever Knight

Forever Knight was a Canadian show that aired from 19xx to 19xx on CBS and in syndication. The show revolves around Nick Knight, a vampire from the thirteenth century who wants to be human. Towards that end, he underwent various experiments of his friend the coroner, and meanwhile tried to work off a bit of bad karma as a policeman on the permanent night shift in Toronto.

(63 K, NC-17)
A story I co-wrote with the wonderful Arduinna Finn. Originally, it was meant as part of a much longer story I started more or less on a dare that "no-one can write a real plot for Nick/Vachon slash". However, we don't really appear to have got round to plot yet. -g- This stands on its own as a PWP. BDSM Warning! Blood, domination, fights over the remote, and other assorted vampiric things. If that's not the kind of thing you like, you won't enjoy this. Originally appeared in the multimedia zine Nothing to Hide.


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