~ Vid Recs ~
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updated September 5, 2008

Robin of Sherwood

The Shadow, by Melina


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

The end of the road.

Why you should watch this

Because apparently the final episode of the Michael Praed years of RoS wasn't sad enough for me. No, I needed a vid that ratcheted that up just that much more. This is truly lovely, but heartbreaking, if you know the series.

Where to find it

Download (Triptychvids archive)
(Site requires registration, but the only information required is a valid email and the username you want. Because of the way the site is set up, you have to click through several layers to get to the vid -- go here if you want a walkthrough.)

Stream (Imeem)


The Sentinel

Jive Talkin', by Zen

(slash. er, I think. It's Sentinel!)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

Blair doesn't shut up.

Why you should watch this

Oh, my show. *hearts* This is cheesy and fun and uses source that is so clean and pretty I just go "ooo" watching it. I've drifted pretty far away from TS over the past few years, but this never fails to remind me just why I fell so fast and so hard for this series.

Where to find it



Sherlock Holmes

Your Mistake, by Diana Williams

(slash - Holmes/Watson)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

Sherlock Holmes wants to be many things. What he doesn't want is to be his friend Watson's biggest mistake.

Why you should watch this

I just adore this vid. It sums up Holmes so perfectly for me, and his deep, abiding, affection for Watson -- and Watson's deep affection for him in return. It's just lovely. If you're a Holmes fan, or a slash fan, you have to watch this.

Where to find it

(Scroll down to "currently available for download". While Your Mistake has been up any time I've checked her page, she does sometimes rotate things around, so the vid isn't guaranteed to always be up.)

Stream (Imeem)


The Shield

Bawitaba, by Melina


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

A fanvid for "The Shield." Kind of violent (like the show), so not really for the faint of heart.

Why you should watch this

I've never seen more than random snatches of the show, but that doesn't matter: this vid fascinates me more every time I see it. It grabs you and never lets go, and works for me as a great character study of the show's lead.

Where to find it

Download (Triptychvids archive)
(Site requires registration, but the only information required is a valid email and the username you want. Because of the way the site is set up, you have to click through several layers to get to the vid -- go here if you want a walkthrough.)

Stream (Imeem)


Silence of the Lambs

Uninvited, by shalott

(het - Lecter/Clarice)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

A fanvid to Silence of the Lambs to the Alanis Morisette song Uninvited. Lecter/Clarice. Yes, creepy, I know.

Why you should watch this

Eeeeee. This is unbelievably creepy and effective and. Just. eeeeeee. Watch this, it's freaking brilliant.

Where to find it


Stream (Imeem)


Stargate Atlantis

Stargate Atlantis vid recs have been moved to their own page, here.


Stargate SG-1

Stargate SG-1 vid recs have been moved to their own page, here.



You're So Damn Hot, by Melina

(slash - Jack/Ianto)

added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

Jack's a bad-hearted boy trap, but Ianto wouldn't have him any other way.

Why you should watch this

Hee! Really, Jack Harkness fits "you're so damn hot" better than pretty much anyone -- and he knows it. This is hot, and adorable, and fun, and if you didn't have a thing for Jack before you watch it, you will when you're done.

Where to find it

Download (Triptychvids archive)
(Site requires registration, but the only information required is a valid email and the username you want. Because of the way the site is set up, you have to click through several layers to get to the vid -- go here if you want a walkthrough.)

Stream (Imeem)


Dreams Are Not My Home, by Melina


added September 5, 2008

Vidder's summary

Torchwood means that nothing is ever the same.

Why you should watch this

Oh, I like this -- Gwen's slow slide into getting what she wants and finding out that you really should be careful what you wish for, and how much she really loved what she had before. I love how it's not just her life she's slowly destroying by going after what she wants; Rhys's happy life is slowly ripped apart, as well.

The whole thing is a fabulous summation of her season-one arc.

Where to find it

Download (Triptychvids archive)
(Site requires registration, but the only information required is a valid email and the username you want. Because of the way the site is set up, you have to click through several layers to get to the vid -- go here if you want a walkthrough.)

Stream (Imeem)



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