Lucy's Stories

Warning: The stories linked from this page stand a better-than-average chance of being slash.

What does that mean? Well, I'd say, "if you have to ask," but I suppose everyone has to encounter it for the first time somewhere. "Slash" is fan fiction that involves a relationship between two characters of the same sex, in this case, two men. In other words, if the idea of two guys gettin' it on bothers you, turn back now.

Some of my early attempts at fan fiction can be found here. Four Sentinel stories: two slash, two gen. Someday maybe I'll take them off Merry's hands.

After a long gap in my fiction writing, a certain costumed vigilante finally sparked some ideas. To my great surprise, I now have enough fiction that it actually needs organizing.


Batfic/DC Comics

Summary: After his visit to Bludhaven, Superman reminisces.

Criminal Trespass
Chloe Sullivan investigates Wayne Manor during the events of Bruce Wayne: Murderer.

Summary: Batman is watching.  Barbara knows.

Family Business: Five Things That Never Happened to Dick Grayson
Summary: The title pretty much says is all.

Cross Fade
Sequel to "Lights Going Down," and really won't make sense if you haven't read that one.
Destiny struggles to reassert the pattern that was meant to be.

Hanging Work AU
Once there was a thing that never happened to Dick Grayson. In the grand spirit of not leaving well enough alone, it has now become a full-fledged Alternate Univer series.

Other Fandoms
Shadow at Evening, Rising to Meet You
Written for the Yuletide Challenge
Summary: Roland has conversations at sundown.
Fandom: Dark Tower (Warning: set between Books II and III, with references to events in IV)


Challenges, Snippets, and Drabbles
Elf Challenge Stories
In what can only be termed contagious insanity, I took part in Cesperanza's Inappropriate Elf Challenge. My solo effort was "The Dark Elf Returns." Justine then harassed, bullied, even drugged me into collaborating on "Elfwing." No, I don't actually know what I was thinking.
Summary: I'm not even going to try.
Fandoms: Batman/DC Comics universe

Tax Shelter
Once again, Cesperanza provides inspiration.  Actually, that should be "once before" - my Tax Shelter was written before all the others - my first fan fiction in five years, in fact. 
Summary: Batman works on his taxes.
Fandom: Batman

Crossover Snippet
You know, these people I call my friends?  Somehow they keep leading me astray.  Despite having specifically told people not to do this sort of thing, I've written an Inappropriate Crossover.  
Summary: President Bartlet makes a phone call.
Fandom: The West Wing should probably just read it.

On Flight
This was a snippet that never really found a story, finally posted as an appropriate activity for "Marriage Protection Week."
Summary: Clark and Dick discuss the benefits of flight.
Fandom: DC Comics

A drabbles is a story/snippet/word picture that is exactly 100 words long, and hence, not really worth a whole web page.  So, I've put all (two, thus far) of them on one page.  These are generally things that occur to me at 2am and won't let me sleep until I write them down:
Hands (Teen Titans)
In Oz (that's "Wizard of")

Any an all feedback on the stories is welcome.


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