With huge thanks to all the friends who pitched in and read reams of fanfic to help me collect these. I never could have done it all myself, and I truly appreciate it. Every one of these is an epithet found in an actual story somewhere on the web or in a zine.
written December 2004.
Epithets by Fandom
These are in no way meant to be suggestions for use in fiction.
After reading yet another story packed with epithets, I'd finally had
enough, and recruited a bunch of friends into helping me hunt down lists of epithets used in various fandoms. Some of these are very common; some
are pretty much one-shots. All of them detract from characterization and
energy in the stories they're found in, when used to excess (and excess,
for epithets, basically means "more than one in every couple thousand words").
For a more detailed look at why epithets are a problem,
see my essay on the subject .
Blake's 7 | Buffy/Angel
| CSI | DC comics | Due
South | Forever Knight | Gundam Wing
| Harry Potter | Hercules | Highlander
| Lord of the Rings | Magnificent
7 | Mpreg | Night Court | Popslash | Professionals
| The Sentinel | Smallville | Weiss
Kreuz | West Wing | X-Files |
the cowardly thief
the little thief
the Delta
the Delta thief
the rebel leader
the curly-haired rebel
the burly rebel
the gentle rebel
the blonde pilot
the blonde smuggler
the blonde woman
the black girl
the weapons tech
the blonde girl
the blonde gunslinger
the blonde assassin
the computer expert
the emotionless computer expert
the computer tech
the computer man
the Alpha
the Alpha computer tech
the computer scientist
the blonde smuggler
the Auron telepath
the alien woman
the curly-haired alien
the slim woman
the slim alien
the pilot
the tall pilot
the younger man
the younger curly-haired rebel
the curly-haired pilot
the box of lights
the crabby box
the irritated computer
the perspex box
the blond(e) vampire
the shorter vampire
the taller vampire
the brooding vampire
the souled vampire
the Irish vampire
the British vampire
the chipped vampire
the Slayer
the blonde Slayer
the brunette Slayer
the younger Slayer
the tiny killer
the red-haired witch
the older man
the younger man
the high school boy
the vampire in leather
the leather-clad vampire
the Irish demon
the dark-haired, insane vampire
the rugged forensics investigator
"the Grumpy Santa" (I swear to god)
the traumatized forensic investigator
the usually calm, reasonable man
the dark-haired man
the redhead
the archer
other two superheroes
the two heroes
the other speedster
the former Boy Wonder*
the former Wonder Girl*
a certain Navajo-raised superhero
the Armani-clad half of the pair
* Note from the contributor: in fairness, these two make sense
in context - the POV is someone who really would think of them that
way. The joy of a fandom with canon epithets ;)
The caped persona
the gymnast
the dark-haired young hero
the playboy billionaire
the black-and-azure clad legend
the Bludhaven hero
the young vigilante
the black-clad vigilante
the bound man
the sable-haired athlete
the Ice Queen
the dear Inspector
the Mountie
the detective
the Italian detective
the Chicago detective
the tall white haired man dressed in black
the elder
the elder vampire
the gorgeous blond haired man
the master vampire
the boy
the braided baka
the braided pilot
the braided boy
the braided-boy
the braided Preventer
the braided young man
the uni-banged young man
the ex-Gundam pilot
the little blond business man
the longhaired man
the auburn hair boy
the quiet boy
the pale blond man
the fortified teenager
the lean, mean, gorgeous Chinese man
the Gryffindor
the brave Gryffindor
the slim Gryffindor
the brunette Gryffindor
the green-eyed Gryffindor
the unrestrained Gryffindor
the impassive Gryffindor
the noble Gryffindor
the sleepy Gryffindor
the reckless Gryffindorian
the Slytherin
the blond Slytherin
the blonde Slytherin
the sliver blond Slytherin
the white blond Slytherin
the ash blonde Slytherin
the silver-haired Slytherin
the grey-eyed Slytherin
the sarcastic Slytherin
the sulky Slytherin
the shaking Slytherin
the sexy Slytherin
the now-seated Slytherin
the sleek Slytherin
the smooth Slytherin
the Potions Master
the greasy Potions master
the unwashed Potions Master
the graceful Potions Master
the silently suffering Potions Master
the professor
the Potions professor
the Prefect
the Gryffindor Prefect
the tired Prefect
the teen
the older man
the boy
the other boy
the younger man
the younger male
the youngster
the blonde
the lanky blond
the hunk
the dark-haired virgin
the blond teen
the blonde teen
the brunette teen
the dark-haired teen
the tow-headed teen
the taller teen
the disheveled teen
the green-eyed boy
the scarred boy
the gold-clad boy
the inhibited boy
the pale boy
the fainting boy
the smaller boy
the naked, wet boy
the supine boy
the dark-haired boy
the blond boy
the blonde boy
the drop dead gorgeous blonde boy
the hairless boy
the blasted boy
the dark-haired man
his lover
his soon-to-be lover
his panting lover
his fair lover
his teen lover
the brat
the obnoxious brat
the annoying brat
the adorable brat
the little brat
the impossible brat
the insolent brat
the stubborn brat
the irritating prat
the Quidditch enthusiast
the seeker
the Gryffindor seeker
the wet seeker
the sweaty seeker
the Boy Who Lived
the other man
the normally laidback individual
the demigod
the self-styled King of Thieves
the small fluffy blond
the thief
the blond
the hunter
the Golden Hunter
the unkempt and habitually broke figure
the little blond
the golden warrior
the ashen-faced hunter
the Oldest Immortal
the eldest Immortal
the Oldest One
the Highlander
the man identified by the sobriquet "Highlander"
the dark-haired Immortal
the younger Immortal
the doe-eyed Scot
the Highlander
the katana's owner
the bronzed Scot
the bilateral amputee
of the Rings
words in (parens) are alternative versions of the epithet
the man in black
the green-eyed man
the dark-skinned man
the dark clad man
the gold-toothed man
the Kid
the leader
the tracker
the long haired, shy, tracker
the sensitive tracker
the sharpshooter
the rifleman
the gunslinger
the blond gunslinger
the hardened gunslinger
the preacher
the healer
the con man
the resident gambler and con man
the gambler
the glib, silver tongued gambler
the scoundrel
the ladies' man
the bounty hunter
the former bounty hunter
the scrawny, shaggy, ex-bounty hunter
the womanizer
the former slave
the greenhorn
the southerner
the breathless and less-than-immaculate southerner
the Texan
the peacekeepers
the lawmen
the regulators
the tall man
the suave man
the tall, good-looking man
the Prosecutor
the debonair people's representative
the brunette
the blonde
the younger one
his newly-found boyfriend
the curly-haired blonde
the Italian
the second youngest of the band
the Mississippian
the eighteen year old pregnant boy
the lissome young popstar
the ex-merc
the ex-soldier
the dark-haired man
the blue-eyed man
the ex-cop[per]
the curly-haired man
the green-eyed man
the guide
the Guide
the kid
the younger man
the smaller man
the determined young man
the anthropologist
the curly-haired anthropologist
the easily aroused anthropologist
the grad student
The graduate student, police observer, and anthropologist
the young detective (Blair)
the good doctor (Blair)
the police observer
the sentinel
the Sentinel
the older man
the bigger man
the younger Ellison
the detective
the older detective
the still, pale senior detective
the cop
the big cop
the determined cop
the balding man
the distraught man
the pale man
the big African-American captain
the large African-American captain
his friend and captain
the Cascade PD captain
the PD captain
the diminutive Asian housekeeper
the Ellison Chinese housekeeper
the tiny woman (Sally)
the tall brunette (Megan)
the elder Ellison (William)
the retired businessman (William)
the younger and smaller detective (Rafe)
the other detective
the taller man
the bald billionaire
the bald young man
the teen
the alien teen
the blonde girl
the blonde reporter
the farmer
the tall farmer
the blond (or blonde, ugh) farmer
the red-headed woman
the archaeologist
the linguist
the colonel
the USAF officer
the grey-haired (man, colonel, USAF officer)
the Jaffa
the major
the older Tau'ri
the strapping young airman
the Tau'ri
the resident astrophysicist
the telekinetic
the former Weiss assassin
the former Schwartz assassin
the young Kritiker leader
the cerulean-eyed man
the Irishman
the Irish assassin
the Weiss redhead
the Japanese ex-Kritiker agent
the telepath
both the natural redheads
the younger psion
the malefici bitch
the violet-eyed man
the German
the fair-skinned assassin
the red-haired German
the blond Kritiker agent
the American
the man known as Oracle in Este
the red-haired Weiss kitten
the pale teen
the rust-haired man
the wine-haired Abyssinian
the former Labor Secretary
the FBI agent
the AD
the Assistant Director
The tall older boy (Mulder)
the blood-stained redhead
the red-headed agent
the handsome, flushed Deputy
the big man
the bald man
the new 47-year-old (Skinner)
the old fuddy-duddy (Skinner)
the one-armed man
the double agent
the green-eyed agent
~ fin ~
Feedback of any sort, from one line to detailed crit, is always welcome, at arduinna at trickster dot org .
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