Invisible Man stories


Do not post, publish, or distribute these stories without my permission. See the main stories page for full notes and disclaimer. Feedback of any sort is always welcome; I promise not to get pissy if you notice flaws or disagree with me.


Shack Attack: IM #1 December 31, 2001

6k, 572 words, Fawkes/Hobbes, G

Fun and games in the snow.

Written as part of the great Shack Challenge of 2001.

Shack Attack: IM #2 December 31, 2001

6k, 571 words, Eberts/Official, G

Eberts is... Eberts.

Written as part of the great Shack Challenge of 2001.

Soft on the Inside May 5, 2004

12k, ~1,780 words, gen, G

Eberts needs a favor from a very reluctant Official.

Written as a 2004 New Year's Resolution story for the Yuletide project.

Playing Hooky March 2, 2005

8k, 1,000 words, Fawkes/Hobbes, NC-17

Darien and Bobby take a day off.

Written as part of the A Picture Is Worth a Thousand Words challenge.

No title


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