Sentinel stories


Do not post, publish, or distribute these stories without my permission. See the main stories page for full notes and disclaimer. Feedback of any sort is always welcome; I promise not to get pissy if you notice flaws or disagree with me.


Green and Gold March 16, 1997

25k, ~3,500 words, Jim/Blair, NC-17

A St. Patrick's Day tale. Blair and Jim have slightly different ways of celebrating the holiday, to their mutual enjoyment.

A Cop, Feeling August 15, 1997

4k, 261 words, Jim/Blair, G

Blair's saving of Jim's life in Switchman, from Jim's POV.

White Ceiling December 4, 1997

53k, ~8,750 words, Jim/Blair, NC-17

Jim realizes the price of cowardice and self-absorption (okay, it's a lousy summary -- but I don't want to give away plot points).

Gremlins January 31, 1998

9k, ~1,240 words, Jim/Blair, G

Blair's been having a bad car month.

Guilt-Ridden Sentinel May 21, 1998

4k, 286 words, G

A filk about "Sentinel, Too" part one

Where There's Smoke November 14, 1998

22k, ~3,090 words, Jim/Blair, PG-13

Sequel to "Gremlins".Blair's car problems are back, but Jim is reluctant to believe the reason behind them.

Deupareunia March 24, 1999

17k, ~1,325 words, Jim/Blair, NC-17

A fabliau, sans verse, wherein Blair and Jim tease themselves to avowtrye, using words you just don't expect to hear from two 90s kinda guys. (glossary included...)

Walkin' on the Wild Side September 16, 1999

26k, ~3,675 words, Sentinel Man/Anthroboy, R

Part of Ninjababe's Sentinelman and Anthro Boy universe. The Hero and his Sidekick take a walk on the wild side.  Sort of.

On a Good Day published August 2000; added August 13, 2001

43k, ~6,500 words, Jim/Blair, NC-17

Jim learns a few things about plants and their roots. First published in the zine Crossroads.

Sentinel Bits and Pieces 1997-1999

10k, Jim/Blair, G - R

Some miscellaneous short bits -- drabbles, snippets, what have you.

No title


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