~ Fic Recs ~
Stargate SG-1


updated May 29, 2007


SGA: The Rising novelization, by Domenika Marzione

Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis

11,965 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

Jack O'Neill showed up in Antarctica expecting to be talked to death. He didn't count on the keys to the lost city of Atlantis showing up with him.

Why you should read this

This is exactly what the title says it is, but it's not a novelization in the sense of transcribing the ep and putting scenery details in. Domenika does something really cool here: she tells the story we didn't see on screen, from Jack's POV - with a damn good Jack voice. There's almost no overlap with the aired episode other than a few lines here and there, as she fills in gaps and spaces all over the place, starting with Jack's arrival at McMurdo before he ever gets on the chopper with Sheppard and ending with the gate closing on the Earth side of things after the expedition leaves. The whole thing is really well done, and it was deeply satisfying to me.

The link goes to the story on Domenika's site. If you'd rather read it on an archive, go here to read it on Wraithbait.


Speak the Living, by Komos


6,129 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

When the gods are revealed as frauds, new rituals take the place of the old.

Why you should read this

I normally avoid Teal'c stories, because I find that he's a hard character to do right and I don't want to read him written wrong. But Komos's work is consistently solid, so I gave this a shot, and I'm so glad I did. This is Teal'c, the one we only get glimpses of in canon, with a deep, rich history of his own, who's made unfathomable sacrifices to be where he is, and who's trying to make the life he's chosen make sense in the context of the life he was born to live. It's heartbreaking and intensely hopeful, painting his life in flashing scenes of grief and loyalty and love.


So Long, Farewell, See You Around, by Tallulah Rasa


multiple stories
added March 15, 2006

Author's summary

Gen. Original SG-1. Some sap, some humor, possibly a tiny bit of angst, one experiment, and one honest-to-goodness team fic (the last one).

Why you should read this

This is a series of seven short stories, each completely separate from the others, about how Jack said goodbye to the SGC. I wasn't struck by all of them equally, but three of them really stood out:

Farewell 2 - In Which the Road Goes on Forever (2,077 words)

Farewell 4 - In Which Jack Has a Bad Taste in His Mouth (1,363 words)

Farewell 7 - In Which Daniel Gets the Last Word (1,891 words)


Retrograde, by Martha Wilson (LtLJ)

Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis

28,384 words
added March 15, 2006

Author's summary

AU. The Atlantis expedition has been lost for three years. SG-1 goes to find them, and arrives just a little too late.

Why you should read this

This is a fabulous, well-constructed crossover with a totally plausible (if totally AU) plot -- it gives me the shivers, it's so plausible. I freak out a little every time I read it, because, eep, what if it had happened like this?? And on top of that scary plausibility is the structure of it, as she fills in what's going on bit by bit, slowly building an ever more complete picture.

Martha nails the voices across the board here, both SG1 and SGA, with interactions within each group and between the two that ring absolutely true. It's all just wonderful, and you should read it.

update November 22, 2006: This is the first story in an ever-growing series, all of it wonderful. My more extensive rec for the full series to date is here. Seriously, you need to check the entire series out.


What Do You Have, What Do You Need, by Minnow


1,669 words
added March 15, 2006

Author's summary

What do you have, what do you need

(note: yes, that's her summary, not her title; she didn't seem to have a title. But it works as both, and she also didn't call it "Untitled", so... executive decision on my part so I'd have something to call the link.)

Why you should read this

This absolutely fascinated me. She managed to blend Abyss with Citizen Joe, which shouldn't work. At all. In any way whatsoever. But it works beautifully, and painfully, with a wrenchingly real Jack voice throughout. It's heartbreaking, with the only thing making it bearable knowing how Abyss worked out in the end. Gorgeous work.


Yet Another SG-1 Adventure, by Minnow


2,365 words
added March 15, 2006

Author's summary

Yet Another SG-1 Adventure: silly, silly, silly SG-1 silliness, taking place sometime after The 4th Horseman

Why you should read this

So. Totally. Cracked. Wonderfully silly and fun -- set in season 9, but with plenty of Jack in all the best ways. Any details would spoil the fun, but really -- go read this. You will be happy all day long if you do.


Junior's Website (formerly Junior's Home Page)


multiple stories
added June 15, 2005

Author's summary

(Not a summary as such, but an "author note" specifically for the fanfic portion of the site)

NOTE from the Author: There are some rumours started by poopyheads that none of the events described happened and the words 'Mary Sue' have been used. This is so not true and so Wrong!! Everything happened exactly as I have written it and I know cuz I was there and you weren't!!!!!

Your Lord,


Why you should read this

This is so completely whacked that every time I read it, I giggle my head off. Everything on it is written "by" Junior, Teal'c's symbiote, who has very definite ideas about pretty much everything, especially the people he's surrounded by.

Definitely read all the fanfic -- *definitely* -- but whatever you do, make sure you also read the "day in my life" on the front page, and all of the "pomes".



Actualize This, by Helena Handbasket

Invisible Man / The Sentinel / Stargate SG-1

36,304 words
added June 15, 2005

Author's summary

A crossover with Stargate SG-1 and The Sentinel. Darien and Bobby are forced to endure a weekend teamwork-building retreat.

Why you should read this

This is brilliant. The premise is a bit of a stretch, but just go with it, because the story itself is a freaking blast. Heeee. I would say more, but -- they're at a teamwork-building retreat. What more needs to be said, really?



Palimpset, by salieri

(het - Sam/Pete)

1,831 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

Sometimes the body won't forget.

Why you should read this

Evocative, creepy, sad story about what really caused Sam to leave Pete. It's really well-written, and it does something fascinating with canon that I don't think I've ever seen before, something that made me blink and instantly believe in the possibility. It's short, but highly effective.



Retrograde, by Martha Wilson and Victoria Custer

(slash - Sheppard/Other, McKay/Sheppard)

multiple stories
added May 29, 2007


Between them, Martha and Victoria have added five (!) more stories to the series since I last updated my rec for it:

Colorado Springs, by Martha Wilson (7,363 words)

Least Resistance, by Martha Wilson (23,926 words)

First Impressions, by Martha Wilson (891 words)

Exile, by Victoria Custer (3,514 words)

Trading Day, by Martha Wilson (2,438 words)


My First Stargate Story, by Halrloprillalar

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

2,368 words
added May 29, 2007

Author's summary

Daniel's in trouble. Jack helps him out.

Why you should read this

... hee! This is an absolutely priceless sendup of every overwrought Jack/Daniel story ever written. I am so moved. *wipes eyes*


Filling in the Blanks, by Komos

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

7,835 words
added May 29, 2007

Author's summary

Why was Jack so late for work that morning?

Why you should read this

Komos wrote several missing scenes for Lost City, some of them connected and some not. This is 'Lost City Part 1 v1.earlier' -- some of the elements she uses here shows up in others of her Lost City stories as well. But this can be read on its own, as well. It's about why Jack took so long to finish the crossword that morning, and what happened that night after everyone but Daniel went home. Bittersweet given the circumstances, warm, loving, and lovely.


Two Sides of the Coin, by dith

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

67,546 words
added May 29, 2007

Author's summary

Stranded on a world with no Stargate, Daniel has to come to terms with what Shifu taught him about himself, while Jack has to come to terms with his attraction to Daniel - and they both have to get home

Why you should read this

While I don't quite buy Daniel's characterization here -- it's just a little too far away from canon -- dith is consistent with it, so I can buy it for the duration of the story. And the story itself is a fun ride, with a plot that moves along and Earth-descended-but-alien cultures (with local politics appropriate to them) and interesting OCs and a gradually more intimate relationship between Jack and Daniel that both of them have to deal with -- not always smoothly.


Rain in the Desert, by flaming muse

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

6,500 words
added May 29, 2007

Author's summary

There was a poetic irony that SG-1's first mission after the ultimate adrenalin rush of saving the planet by destroying Apophis' ships - and somehow by the skin of their teeth not themselves as well - was as routine and mind-numbingly boring as a mission could be.

Why you should read this

So, I have this thing, about J/D stories. I can't really see them getting involved before third season's Forever in a Day (interested, yes, but actively involved, no), and I have a hard time buying them being physically intimate on an offworld mission with no extenuating circumstances. And yet, here I am, reccing an explicit story set in very early second season, and set offworld during a routine team mission. My hat's off to flaming muse. She went with a scenario I can totally buy, one that's both sweet and bittersweet, and her Jack and Daniel are both completely, wonderfully in character here. This makes me happy -- and just a little wistful.

Note: I usually link to the full entry, but in this case I linked straight to the story to avoid personal info about some of the actors (not spoilery about the show, just info about their lives), since not everyone wants that sort of info. Just scroll up a bit if you want the full story headers, and up further if you want the actor info. (The comments include the actor info as well, so skip the comments if you're avoiding.)


Downtime, by Merry

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

16,871 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

Almost, but not quite, entirely unlike leave time.

Why you should read this

This story is immensely satisfying to me -- I love Merry's Jack, and Daniel, and Sam, and Teal'c, and Hammond... and Hairy (the OC of the piece. He's fabulous.). And I love her team, and how they work together, and how it's made up of all these small units that come together to make a big unit -- Jack and Daniel in lovely synch, Jack and Teal'c understanding each other so well, Sam and Daniel geeking out so alike and so differently... it's just fun, watching them all bicker and tease and take care of each other and be a team. She also hits one of my big buttons -- yearning restrained by duty and honor. Watching Jack and Daniel's awareness grow even as they never lose sight of who and what they are is wonderful.


Rules of Evidence, by Komos

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

14,310 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary


Why you should read this

Oh. This rips me apart in the best way, has me aching for both of them all the way through, for different reasons, until things get sorted out in the end. They're both so blinded by uncertainty and fear, and yet so willing to risk themselves, so incredibly brave.

Komos's Jack is smart and her Daniel is strong, which I adore, and everything about both of them here rings completely true. I just melt. She also has a gift for writing really hot sex scenes that have everything to do with the plot. Seriously, go read this.


Corridor Life, by Rachael Sabotini

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

2,458 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

Jack sees it in the way Daniel stands around in the corridor, staring at the walls like he's never seen concrete before.

Why you should read this

There's a quiet, understated quality to this that I really like, with Jack settling back in to having Daniel back in his life, a little differently than before, as Daniel settles back into being alive after descending. They've both changed, but sometimes change is a good thing. The connection between them is warm and real, and just lovely.


Stardust, by Kikkimax

NCIS/Stargate SG-1
(UST - Tony/Daniel)

45,975 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

A man with no memory holds the key to three bizarre deaths.

Why you should read this

A friend recced this to me, and I was very doubtful about the crossover, but I gave it a shot anyway, and I'm glad I did.

This is handled pretty much perfectly. The base fandom is NCIS, but here, NCIS just happens to exist in the SG1 universe. There are no awkward expository lumps, but she still fills in all the details you need, working with characters' reactions to show what's going on. The amnesia plot is a cliched standard, but as with all cliches -- they're cliches because they're fun to read. Done right, any cliche is delightful, and this was done right. Also, it's really fun watching Jack and Gibbs be all team-leader-y at each other. *g*

Note: I'm an SG1 fan who's seen one or two NCIS eps, and I had absolutely no problem following the plot or relationships. I don't know if a non-SG1 fan would pick up on the SG1 stuff as easily, but I think the way it's set up, it's completely understandable even if you miss the finer points of the fandom.


For Now, by Komos

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

7,912 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

The beginning; set after Evolution, part 2.

Why you should read this

Number of words in this story: 7,912.

Number of words Jack and Daniel say aloud to each other in this story: 100.

It took me four reads in the space of a week to realize just how little they actually spoke to each other in this, because everything they do, all the way through it, is all about them -- communicating without words, aware of each other, fitting together. Even of the little they say, half of it is idle, surface conversation. The important stuff is pared down to a few words, because they're already saying everything in other ways. There's other verbal conversation here, with other people, but Jack and Daniel just are.

The alternating POV Komos uses is note-perfect for each of them all the way through this, capturing their very different voices and attitudes, including one of the most intense Jack scenes I think I've ever read, intense enough that it gave me a shiver. She also has a hell of a good ear for the other characters -- both Teal'c and Frasier were dead-on, as was Lee. This is just wonderful all around.


Returning and Returning, by raqs

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

1,578 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary


Why you should read this

Daniel's home again. This is a lovely slice-of-life, a little poignant, very loving, warm as can be, with a Jack and Daniel who've loved each other a very long time, and show no signs of stopping. Ever.


Gods and Monsters, by eos

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

8,800 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

Er...J/D, aliens, sex, threat of death... You should know by now whether you can trust me or not, so just read it, okay? This tends toward dark rather than fluff, possibly kink, but I don't think it's necessarily darker than other fics I've written.

Why you should read this

For what it's worth, while I agree this isn't fluff, I don't think 'dark' is the right word for it. There's some stuff that could read as darkish kink, but that doesn't come across that way to me. For me, this is about willing sacrifice for a greater good, loyalty, connection -- all the things that make SG-1, SG-1. It's got an intriguing plot that ties into canon in cool ways, and that lays the foundation for Jack and Daniel's growing relationship, which stays solidly grounded in their friendship at the same time -- a little bickery, a little fraught, a lot deeply caring. Eos nailed their voices, and did a good job of capturing their mutual devotion to their jobs, their team, and each other, as well as their adaptability to pretty much anything and their refusal to give up in the face of adversity.

The link goes to the story on Eos's website. If you prefer Livejournal, go here to read it on her LJ.


Home from Here, by Merry

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

4,497 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

In which Jack and Daniel live happily ever after.

Why you should read this

What, Merry's summary isn't enough?

Okay, okay, fine.

This was written when all anyone had was spoilers that Jack wouldn't be around for season 9, and the route Merry went wasn't where they went in canon, so this is an AU now. A very lovely, warm, charming AU that perfectly caps... everything. Because Jack and Daniel live happily ever after, and it's wonderful. She has their voices down so perfectly -- not just Jack and Daniel, but Sam and Teal'c as well, and all of their interactions. But her Jack and Daniel in particular make me want to hug things.

I've found that I often don't particularly want angsty SG1 stories, no matter how well-written they are, because omg, these people's lives just kinda... suck, when you get right down to it, what with the lousy hours and the constant peril and the few and far between relationships that always crap out, with death and loss on all sides. What I want from fanfic is for them to find happiness, and Merry pulls that off here beautifully in a way that totally works. The hard lives they've lived are right there in the background, but they get a break, they get to relax and find some joy and delight, and it makes me so happy.

And as if all of that weren't enough, this also has possibly the best ending line ever.

The link goes to the story on Merry's website. If you prefer Livejournal, go here to read it on her LJ.


Time Is An Arrow, Time Is A River, by princessofsg

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

5,648 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary


Why you should read this

The central plot point here is one that's been in my head since Daniel ascended (... the first time), so I was incredibly happy to see it in a story, handled well. This is set early in seventh season, while Daniel's still getting his memories back, and I really like how she's drawn him here, trying to reconcile Arram and Daniel, home and not-home. His mental voice sounds dead-on to me for that period -- gathering facts and a little uncertain, but knowing the memories will come when he needs them, when they're properly triggered, and trusting to that. Her Jack works for me, too -- waiting for Daniel to figure things out, but facing the truth head-on when it comes down to it. Nicely done.


Syllepsis, by Komos

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

5,961 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

Unexpected visitor at Jack's house.

Why you should read this

I love stories where grownups act like grownups, especially in situations that could easily devolve into teenage wangsty drama, and this nailed it. Sara O'Neill stopping by (not a spoiler, she shows up immediately) could have been awkward and horrible, and instead was awkward and gracious on all sides, especially hers -- which relieved me hugely, as I hate stories that vilify exes with no canonical base. Komos keeps this rooted in canon, though -- this Jack and Sara split not because they stopped loving each other, but because it hurt too much to stay together after Charlie when their grief took different paths. This is a really nice take on her, and on her relationship with Jack, and on Jack and Daniel's relationship with each other.


On Holiday, by Rose Wilde-Irish

Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis
(slash - McKay/Zelenka)

10,790 words
added November 22, 2006

Author's summary

"A search for what?" he asked, disgruntled tone telling Rodney he'd only bought a reprieve from the hunt for the perfect projectile.

"For our destination," Rodney said, humming softly. "Haven't you been listening? We're going on vacation."

Why you should read this

Every time I read this, it makes me happy. It has everything: the moment of realization, some yearning, some miscommunication/misunderstanding (without making me want to hit anyone upside the head and tell him to just talk, already), Rodney and Radek finishing each other's sentences and enjoying the hell out of that, a plot that makes use of Rodney's background, and a connection to the SGC. Plus, Rodney and Radek go to Vegas, and how could anyone not love that?

Note: While the SGC and SG1 are definitely a factor in this, the base story is strongly McKay/Zelenka.


Never Enough, by Kylie Lee

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

6,170 words
added March 15, 2006

Author's summary

Jack talks. Daniel translates. Spoilers, 2.16 "The Fifth Race."

Why you should read this

The Fifth Race is one of those episodes that cries out for a good missing-scene story, and this one filled the bill just about perfectly. Kylie Lee did a great job of getting into Jack's mind as the Ancient repository started taking over, leaving him frustrated and angry and cut off with Daniel as his only solid connection with the people around him, and sometimes as just a passenger in his own brain. His attraction to Daniel is smoothly layered into that, with a slightly bittersweet tone that's perfect for this episode.


The Space Within, by The Grrrl

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

3,682 words
added March 15, 2006

Author's summary

Jack, a fishing trip, memories, and Daniel.

Why you should read this

Set in season 7, after Daniel has descended to human form again. She nailed their season-7 characterization and relationship for me, both of them changed by everything they've been through, and easier in each other's company than they've ever been, despite their years of connection. This is quiet and hopeful and wonderful.


Tendencies, by Pares

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

2,133 words
added March 15, 2006

Author's summary

"Well, not you you," he clarified. "Alternate Universe You."

Why you should read this

Quantum Mirror story, yay! Although really, it's more the aftermath of a quantum mirror story, as Daniel makes it back to his own reality after a trip to a very different Earth. The pacing on this is marvelous, as Pares fills in the background bit by bit, and the byplay between Jack and Daniel is perfect. Every time I read this, I wind up grinning like a loon.


First Impressions, by Pares

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

16,363 words
added March 15, 2006

Author's summary

Meanwhile, the tree beings were waving something that looked for all the world like a bar of Ivory soap over Daniel's head.

Why you should read this

I'm feeling a bit like a broken record with the "great voices and characterization!", but I can't help that those are what pull me into stories. *g* It's true here as well. The plot itself is fascinating as well, but explaining why would spoil it a little too much, I think. SUffice to say, Pares came up with some truly alien aliens, who do things their own way for their own reasons, and SG-1 -- especially Jack and Daniel -- have to deal with the consequences. And then there's even more plot. Which is even more fun. And hot.


Elvis Has Left the Building, a smorg story by Salieri

(slash - Jack/Daniel)

5,094 words
added June 15, 2005

Author's summary

Smorg Moose Thang, or, YOU ASKED FOR IT!!

no summary as such, just author notes, too extensive to list here

Why you should read this

Okay, yes, it's a moose story. But it's a really, really funny moose story, with solid writing, voices, and characterization -- she doesn't sacrifice the characterizations to support the funny. In fact, the characterizations are what makes it so funny, because if this ever happened? This is exactly what would happen. I giggled my way through the whole thing. The slash is extremely mild -- gen fans would have no problems with this one at all.


The Cost of a Used Spaceship, by Marie Blackpool

(slash - Jack/Daniel implied)

12,269 words
added June 15, 2005

Author's summary

Daniel is asked to 'debrief' the robot replica of Jack following the events of 'Double Jeopardy.'

Why you should read this

This is unbelievably good -- the writing is clean and solid, and the story is subtle and heart-wrenching... and yet hopeful. If you're an SG1 fan who's okay with slash, and you haven't read this -- you really need to read this.

One caveat: You have to have seen Tin Man and Double Jeopardy before reading this. This is a "tag" for Double Jeopardy, and will spoil you silly for the ep if you haven't seen it (and I'm not sure how much of the story's powerfulness will be lost if its read without context).



gen and/or het and/or slash and/or threesomes

Retrograde series, by Martha Wilson and Victoria Custer

Stargate SG-1/Stargate Atlantis
(gen and adult)

multiple stories
added November 22, 2006
updated to include new stories

Author's summary

A Stargate Atlantis/Stargate SG1 crossover series, set in an alternate universe.

Why you should read this

I recced the first story in the series, Retrograde, and then Martha and Victoria kept writing in it, and I kept adding stories in the series to my list of things to rec, until eventually I realized I should just do a full series rec.

I absolutely adore this universe -- it's scarily, wonderfully plausible, if things had gone just a little differently on Earth during seasons 8 and 9 of Stargate SG-1. The character voices are dead-on, across the board, and this Jack O'Neill in particular is a joy for me, all froth and frivolity on the surface but deeply smart tactician who truly cares about all of these people underneath. The Retrograde universe also does one of the best jobs I've ever seen of merging the two canons into one universe -- not just SGA characters in SG1, or SG1 characters in SGA, but Stargate, where everyone is equally a part of the mesh. The world-building is subtle and seamless -- this is a universe that exists somewhere.

I'm not even sure how to do justice to this rec -- the series is currently at eight primary, connected stories, four standalones set firmly in the universe, one set of standalone 'Five Things' that makes me want to hug everyone really hard just because, and two 'extras' that are just perfect. The emotional tone changes throughout - this isn't the same story told over and over, it's the story of their lives in this universe, from omg fucking tense to exhaustion to hope to warmth to joy to lust to family, with bits of all of that woven in throughout each story.

The core of it all is trust: how deeply the Atlanteans trust each other, how much their trust in Earth was shattered, how determined SG-1 and the SGC are to show that they're trustworthy, how that trust is rebuilt one small step at a time by people in both camps strong enough to take the risk. Which is the secondary core: this is all about strong, competent people willing to do whatever it takes, but who know there's more to life than survival.

It's just...fabulous. Go read, if you haven't. Seriously.

The series index is clearly laid out so it's easy to read the series in order, starting from the core continuity stories and then after that reading the standalones and extras. It also lists any potential spoilers and warnings, and where the standalones fit in the core continuity.

Rather than recreate that, I've linked them here in the order they were written, instead, in case people prefer that -- but that means jumping around a bit in the continuity, so if you want to read the story in the order the events happen, go to the series index linked above and read from there.


No title


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