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updated September 5, 2008
Jesus Walks, by Sheila
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
the only thing that I pray is that my feet don't fail me now
Why you should watch this
This blows me away every time I see it. Sheila's created a character study of Gunn that nails him perfectly, with a song that matches both the tone of the show and the character. It's gorgeous and moving and wonderful.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Whatever, by Luminosity and Sisabet
added September 5, 2008
Vidders' summary
Why you should watch this
OMG. Hee! This is sort of indescribable, but trust me, it is so worth watching. Angel, hee!
Where to find it
Download (Luminosity's website)
Download (Sisabet's website)
Stream (Luminosity's Imeem)
Astro Boy Forever, by Walter Scott
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
none (there are extensive vidder notes at the download page, though)
Why you should watch this
Okay, first of all: canonical use of ass-lasers. Also, the vid is poignant enough that you will be misty-eyed in spots. Despite the ass-lasers, which will have you cracking up. Seriously, how can you not watch a vid with that much range?
Which sounds a little flip, but really -- this vid has range, and depth, and it's not something I'd ever expect to see for Astro Boy. Walter uses all three versions (1960s, 1980s, and the 2003 remake) to fabulous effect, and also brings in an external source for one shot that makes me so happy I can't even tell you. It's perfect. Even if you don't know any of the animes, you should give this one a shot; it's hopeful, and cheerful, and heroic, and poignant, and uplifting, and just all-around wonderful.
Where to find it
(Site is, and you'll need to get a membership to download the vid. It's worth it -- there are tons of good vids on
Dancing in the Light, by Barkley
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
The last of the Babylon stations was not all doom and gloom
Why you should watch this
*points to Barkley's summary*
This makes me happy every time I watch it -- it's bright and energetic, full of laughter and love (and fighting and snarking), and reminds me all over again how much I loved B5 when it was on, and how much all of those characters really mean to me. If you loved the show, or if you could never figure out why the heck so many people loved the show, you should watch this.
Where to find it
(Site is password-protected, with hints on the entry page and an email addy to mail a request to if the hint isn't enough.)
Ophelia, by Andraste
added September 5, 2008
Vidders' summary
Sometimes the dead girls come back.
Why you should watch this
Babylon 5 was full of women who made a difference to the people in their lives, and this vid touches on almost all of them. It's bittersweet, with delight bleeding into grief and loss, so gently and yet irrevocably.
When I first watched this on the VVC 2006 DVDs, I could barely hear the lyrics at all -- mostly all I heard were the repeated "Ophelia"s. The vid didn't work for me as well at that point, because I had some issues with who was Ophelia in a few places. Fascinatingly, though, those places made me intensely thinky about the show (and other shows), and about gender roles, and gendered roles, and all sorts of cool things, which in an odd way made it all better, and convinced me to rec it.
Then I downloaded it to doublecheck on the computer, and the audio is ten times better, so now it all makes more sense to me. But it still makes me thinky. Which is still really cool. You should watch it.
Where to find it
Holding Out for a Hero, by Martouf Marty
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
The Dynamic Duo from Catwoman's POV.
Why you should watch this
I saw this at Club Vivid during Vividcon, and oh, the *joy* in that room! This is truly a thing of beauty. If you ever watched any of the 1960s tv show, you must watch this vid. *hearts*
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
45, by dragonchic
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Ruminations of a lifelong military man. Adama study with some Lee. Spoilers through 4x01.
Why you should watch this
Oh, I like this. The song is a bit OTT, but in a way that works here -- it's driving, angry, and regretful, all at once, and fits Adama beautifully. The military made Adama what he is, for good or ill, and he knows it. One of the things I love best about this -- beyond the way it frames Adama's relatinonship with Lee -- is the sense that the destruction of the Colonies and the flight of the Fleet really is just one more aspect of his military life. No matter how intensely horrifying it is to have lost their homeworlds, Adama literally soldiers on in the face of whatever is thrown his way.
Where to find it
Signal to Noise, by Keely
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
A new dawn breaking.
Why you should watch this
The more I watch this, the more I get out of it, and the more I like it. It's the show through the lens of Lee, who only wants to do the right thing -- protect humanity, love his family and friends, be a good man -- but who is having to deal with a reality that thwarts him in that goal more and more, both in terms of his crumbling relationships and the universe at large that he lives in.
I confess, I tend to think of BSG in terms of the women, so a vid that was all about Lee was a bit of a surprise, but once I wrapped my head around that this really took off for me.
Where to find it
Falling From the Sky, by Jarrow
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
A closer look at the many pilots Starbuck has failed, including herself.
Why you should watch this
I love the build in this, as the vid carries us through Starbuck's life -- nothing is right, and even the things that look like they're going right wind up blowing up in her face, and Starbuck gets steadily more haunted and desperate. Even her memories aren't safe -- every flashback is more pain. Things tumble more and more out of control until the end, where everything is spinning madly and Starbuck, who started the vid laughing at her joy in the controlled tumble of her viper, has literally lost her grip and is falling through space. Just, wow. This is fantastic.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Cuz I Can, by Dualbunny
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
If you dance like God is your DJ tonight, you're gonna feel it tomorrow morning.
Why you should watch this
Oh, rock. What a kickass Starbuck character study. It's a fabulous song choice for Starbuck, down to a voice that sounds like she could be singing it, and Dualbunny does a great job showcasing Starbuck's live-for-today attitude, balanced against the flashes of deeper emotion and all the ways she's broken inside. Just... rock. I love everything about this.
Where to find it
Words Fail You, by Gwyneth
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Some things are hard to say.
Why you should watch this
I'd never even heard of this movie before I saw this vid, and now I really want to rent it. Except I'm a little worried it won't stand up to the vid, which I adore. Gwyn's storytelling is exquisite, as is her song choice. Seriously, it won't matter if you know the movie -- you'll understand everything that's going on here, and it will move you.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
A Little Less Conversation, by mamoru22
(er. canon? - Denny/Alan)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
Oh, my boys, my show! This is them, in just under three fast, fun minutes that I have now watched over and over in sheer delight. Denny and Alan are the heart of the show, and this right here is why. mamoru takes the show's filming style and runs with it, to wonderful effect, and hits some of my favorite highlights, from wacky to immensely sweet. Just. *hearts* I love this so much, from the intro I can't believe she made work, to the homage to the original music video, to the very final, perfect clip.
Download (computer and iPod versions)
Stream (Imeem)
Love Flamingos, by themonkeyjack
(er. canon? - Denny/Alan)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
I love Boston Legal, and I adore Denny and Alan, either as intensely close friends or as a slash pair, because they're just all about the love and each other, no matter what. And this vid gets right to the heart of that -- how much they love each other, and how much they each need the other to love him, with a neat POV change in the middle to make it clear just how mutual a relationship this is. And since it's Boston Legal, it's cracktastic and warm and sweet all at the same time. If you've never seen Boston Legal, you're not going to believe some of the shots she got into this one. All canon! *hearts show*
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Stream (Youtube)
I Put You There, by Laura Shapiro and LithiumDoll
(gen, meta)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
Dude. If you have not seen this yet, run, don't walk, to imeem and watch. Then watch again, because you're going to want to. This is us! Yay! Seriously, if you don't come out of watching this feeling totally cheered and yay-fandom-y, I'll eat my hat.
Where to find it
Download (Laura's website)
Stream (Laura Shapiro's Imeem)
Stream (Lithiumdoll's Imeem)
Superstar, by here's luck
(gen/femslash - Faith/Buffy)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Never gonna be the same again.
Why you should watch this
Man. This is the Faith vid, for me. It blew me away when I first saw it, and that reaction pretty much hasn't changed since. here's luck just completely nails the character and her life, perfectly. The Faith/Buffy is definitely a part of it, but it's not the whole of the vid, by a long shot.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Late Model Love, by Laura Shapiro
(het. mostly.)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Buffy can't drive.
Why you should watch this
This cracks me up every time I watch it -- the song is the perfect metaphor for Buffy's love life, such as it is. Just watch, you won't regret it. Hee.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
She's Moved On, by Lynn, Jill, and Kay
(het, femslash)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
You know how sometimes you watch a vid and you wonder how the vidder got the song artist to create a song just for them? This is one of those vids. It's slow and gently heartbreaking, as Oz watches Willow and Tara together and knows what he's lost. But at the same time, Willow's so happy now with Tara, tempering the heartbreak. (This was made pre-season 6.)
Where to find it
(Site is password-protected - email a request, and an autoresponder will send you the password immediately.)
Invincible, by Lithium Doll
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Fi/Awesome Fi/Michael. It's like a love triangle
Why you should watch this
Fiona! Yay! Lithium Doll's summary says it all, really: Fi! And also Michael, but mostly Fi and all her awesome. (.. and Michael) I wanted to cheer the whole way through this, and by the end I wanted to rewatch the whole series just to see Fi being this fabulous all over again.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
I Remember, by Gwyneth and Jo
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Three worlds, one hope... except he can't get there from here.
Why you should watch this
Holy crap. No, really. This is amazing -- shiny and complicated and gripping and wow. I watched it when it premiered at Vividcon, and like most of the room, got recruited right into wanting to know what the heck the source was, and could I have copies, please?
Just wow.
Where to find it
Stream (Gwyneth's Imeem)
Realise, by Absolute Destiny
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
I know absolutely nothing about this movie or the characters, not even their names. I don't care. This is haunting and gorgeous and moving, and I love it.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Lullaby, by Eunice
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
"I went to the woods because I wished to live deliberately,
to front only the essential facts of life, and see if I could not learn
what it had to teach, and not, when I came to die, discover that I had
not lived."
-- Henry David Thoreau
Why you should watch this
Every. Single. Time. I watch this vid, I start out feeling nostalgic and glad and aw, and by the end, am so choked up I have to just sit for a few minutes. This is gorgeous, with all the hope and heartbreak of the movie, done perfectly. Just... go watch this.
Where to find it
A Day in the Life, by shalott and speranza
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
A day in the life of Johnny Smith. (Hint: it sucks.)
Why you should watch this
So, not only did shalott and speranza manage to vid a song I would have though unviddable, they did so fabulously, using it perfectly to showcase Johnny's life and the insane pressures he's under most of the time. I love how the first musical build to an almost unbearable climax is the pressure of everyone around him touching him and forcing visions on him, and the second such build is both narrower and far more horrible, as he witnesses Armageddon. There are smaller touches throughout that just add to the build, including a meta reference back to the original novel, which -- wow, how do you even do that, in a vid? But they did.
Also, best use of hamster in a vid EVER.
Where to find it
Download (shalott's website)
Download (Speranza's website)
Stream (shalott's Imeem)
Stream (Speranza's Imeem)
Someone You Might Have Been, by Sandy and Lynn
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
This is possibly the first Dead Zone vid ever made; it's definitely the first I ever saw. It's gorgeous, and completely heartbreaking. Johnny's life would have been so different, if he hadn't been in the accident and coma -- and he *knows* it. He can see every day who he might have been. Man. The ending here is just a gutpunch.
Where to find it
Tanglewood Tree, by butterfly
(threesome - Johnny/Sarah/Walt)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Three good people, in various kinds of love.
Why you should watch this
Oh, this is a lovely, achy look at Johnny, Walt, and Sarah, and all the ways they love each other, and hurt each other, and don't want to hurt each other. Butterfly did a great job of drawing all sides of this triangle -- it's not just Johnny/Sarah and Johnny/Walt, because Johnny and Walt love each other, too. Oh my show.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Ohh, La La, by Greensilver
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Johnny Smith needs it ooh la la la la. (No, really.)
Why you should watch this
Johnny's visions are a freakout, man. I really liked this, with the sense that Johnny's on what amounts to almost an acid trip -- sometimes good, sometimes not -- beyond his own control.
Where to find it
I Am the Drug, by chasa
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Yes, he has an addiction.
Why you should watch this
There's a voiceover at the beginning of this vid, which I usually hate, but in this case it's a great lead-in, setting up the feel of the vid perfectly. I have a hard time hearing the lyrics, but it doesn't matter, because it's perfectly clear what's happening and why. There's a sultry joy, almost, to the violence and danger here that completely nails my sense of the show. And addiction or no, just like in the show, I'm rooting for Dexter all the way here. Even though, um. I shouldn't be, because really. Serial killer. ahem.
Where to find it
West of Her Spine, by sweetestdrain
(... er. sociopathic?)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Finding love in the strangest places.
Why you should watch this
I loved this vid; it's Brian's arc through and through, in all its creepy fixation. I like how sweetestdrain mirrored what the show did, making him seem innocuous at first and only eventually showing the monster within, and then after that moving on to the connection with Dexter, who is the closest thing to a soft spot Brian's capable of; she set the vid up in almost perfect thirds, in a pacing that worked really well for me.
This gets everything about Brian: how good he is at passing for normal; how *utterly* fucked up he is; how very much he wants to connect with Dexter. The whole vid is a twisted love story, just as it should be. Fabulous work.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Never Loved a Man, by Eunice
(slash - Doctor/Master)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Love means never having to say you're sorry. Made for Jackie, Vividcon Auction 2008.
Why you should watch this
This combination -- er, the music and the pairing, not the pairing itself -- should not work, and yet Eunice has made it work brilliantly, with an earnestness to it all that makes this a thing of pure joy. The are even drawn to each other when neither of them knows the Master is the Master! They are so MFEO. In incredibly fucked-up ways, but still: MFEO!
Where to find it
Moons of Jupiter, by Eunice
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Have you hugged your Ten today?
Why you should watch this
Oh, I love this -- it's bright, energetic, and glowing with love for the Doctor and the show. The mood is set immediately, helped along by the audio -- the vocals start out with the singer laughing a little into the lyric, which lets you know that you're in for a fun, upbeat ride. The whole thing made me really happy. And made me want a Ten of my very own to hug. Also, there's a Doctor/TARDIS OTP section in there that had me just beaming, because, *yes*! Heee. Yay!
Where to find it
Don't Stop Me Now, by Charmax
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Sometimes an evil genius just needs to let his hair down and have some fun.
Why you should watch this
Oh, wow. This is freaking brilliant. The song choice is perfect for this incarnation of the Master, and for his arc, which blows me away in the context of this vid. Charmax has matched the build of the music exactly to the Master's changing... everything, hitting several completely separate (but connected in terms of throughline) emotional notes as the vid progresses. Just wow. Go watch this. Seriously.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Somewhere Over the Rainbow, by Jayne L.
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
In which Rose is Dorothy and the Doctor is a bluebird of happiness.
Why you should watch this
I've watched this vid several times now, and it never fails to make me grin, even chortle, with delight. It's genius -- the song is a punk version, and Jayne does a fabulous job of making it work with Doctor Who (or the other way around). If this doesn't brighten your day at least a little, I'll eat my hat.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Back to the Start, by Mr. Anderson
(het - Doctor/Rose)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
A Doctor & Rose relationship vid with a special Coldplay reference at the end.
Why you should watch this
The song here is slow and sweeping, and Mr Anderson matches that beautifully in his clip choices, creating a sweetly melancholy vid that really works for the Doctor and Rose. Then he takes it one step further, and sweet melancholy turns into gentle heartbreak -- the music and the way he matches it leaves no room for anything harsh or sharp-edged, but the very softness of it is what will leave you sniffling a little. Beautiful work.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Mandara, by astolat
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Adab: the demanding memory that comes upon you of itself.
Why you should watch this
So, astolat took the very pretty but sort of crappy 1984 Dune movie and used it to vid... Dune. The book. astolat is shiny, is what she is. The vid is gorgeous -- flowing and smooth and lyrical, with a reveal at one point that is breathtakingly perfect, and an ending that leaves me aching a bit. If you liked the book at all, you really have to watch this vid. If you've never understood why people would like this book -- watch this vid. This is why.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Roll To Me, by Sandy and Nicole
(slash - Fraser/RayV)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
When I heard this was remastered, I think I actually squeaked. I've loved this since I first saw it a decade ago, and it still holds up. This is a real buddy slash vid, with each of them needing the other, and each of them there for the other, all the way through, in a mirrored set of storylines that mesh together perfectly. The song choice is perfect, too -- a fairly light-hearted vehicle to carry all of the emotion of the clips (and it does carry it -- it's not mismatched at all), really echoing the way the show managed to be immensely dark and intense in a lot of ways, for all that it was supposedly a fairly light-hearted comedy.
And I have to mention this: those mirrored storylines are separated by a POV shift in the middle that is so smooth and brilliant and *right*, especially for this particular vid, that I pretty much just want to marry it.
Where to find it
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