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The Matrix | Miracles | Once a Thief | Pan's Labyrinth | Peackemakers | The Persuaders | The Professionals
updated September 5, 2008
Man in Motion, by renenet
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
This starts out a little slow (for me, anyway), but by the end of the first verse has surged into utter brilliance and just owns me for the rest of the song. (To put that in perspective: I hate the song sort of a lot. By halfway through this vid, I'm singing along gleefully and punching the air with my fist at appropriate moments. Yeah.) This vid is joy, baby.
Where to find it
Stream (Imeem)
Darkness, Darkness, by Gwyneth and Jo
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
God is now here, or God is nowhere -- it's hard to tell in the nightmarish world of Paul Callan.
Why you should watch this
This was the only Miracles vid I knew of for a long time, and I was okay with that, because this? Is THE Miracles vid for me. You don't need to know the show to get the vid -- in fact, one of my favorite things is being at a con where this is being shown to an audience that for the most part doesn't know Miracles, to watch people get sucked in (which takes roughly 10 seconds).
Where to find it
When I'm Up I Can't Get Down, by Lynn, Jill, and Kay
(slash.ish. - Mac/Vic)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
Yay! I have been hoping and hoping that this would go up online one day, and am so happy that it's available now. This is one of my favorite vids of all time. There's just so much joy in it -- the music is fabulous, and makes the show look so much fun. I love the progression from dislike through partners to friends; it leaves me grinning like an idiot by the end of the vid, every time I watch it. Just, seriously, go watch this. You don't need to know the source -- it's totally clear what's going on, and you will adore this.
Where to find it
(Site is password-protected - email a request, and an autoresponder will send you the password immediately.)
Cosmia, by Dualbunny
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
You cannot keep the night from comin' in.
Why you should watch this
I'm never going to go see this movie, because if the vid freaks me out this much, I hate to think what a full-length film would do. I can't seem to stop watching the vid, mind you, but, seriously. Meep.
Every time I watch this vid, I try to start building an actual story in my head for it, but by halfway through I'm just sitting there letting it all wash over me as I get wigged out all over again. The song choice here was amazing, absolutely perfect -- it really worked to ramp up the creepiness of the source, both instrumentally and vocally, with its sense of innocence that's just kinda... wrong. Meep.
Where to find it
Hard Times Come Again No More, by Jill and Kay
(slash - Stone/Finch)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
OMG, a Peacemakers vid! I adore this show, and I adore these characters, and this vid right here shows why. Jill and Kay start with Marshall Jared Stone, feeling beaten down by his life and his job, facing everything alone, until someone new comes to town: Detective Larimer Finch, who lightens Stone's load and brings joy back into his life as Finch in turn finds a new home there. *hearts*
Where to find it
(Site is password-protected - email a request, and an autoresponder will send you the password immediately.)
Stream (Imeem)
I Only Want to Be With You, by Kay
(slash - Brett/Danny)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
I had never seen the show when I first saw this vid, and it recruited me so hard and so fast my head spun. This is fun! The pacing is quick, giving the vid a wonderfully bright, breezy feel, like someone talking a mile a minute about people she adores, touching on this and that and oh, this too!, until you're just nodding along and soaking it all up. These guys never seem to step out of each other's personal space -- in fact, quite the opposite, they seem to keep narrowing that personal space down to nothing. So much fun. Hee!
Where to find it
(Site is password-protected - email a request, and an autoresponder will send you the password immediately.)
Stream (Imeem)
Detachable Penis, by the Media Cannibals
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
Yay for older vids going up online! This is one of my favorite vids ever, and it's one that everyone should watch, whether they know Pros or not. It's just fun! It's also that rarest of humor vids, one that's pure metaphor -- most humor vids are more likely to vid literally to the lyrics to make the joke, but the joke here is the nonstop metaphor. It's fabulous.
Where to find it
Download (Circuit Archive)
Stream (Gwyneth's Imeem)
Tender Comrade, by the Media Cannibals
(slash - Bodie/Doyle)
added September 5, 2008
Vidder's summary
Why you should watch this
Another older vid that's recently been remastered and put online, and now is on Imeem as well, which makes me incredibly happy. This is something a little unusual for vids, and particularly for Pros -- the song is very slow, and is a cappella to boot, so there are no musical cues to help things along. But the song is gripping, and suits Bodie and Doyle, and the lives they lead. I don't know how well it works for someone with no context, but as a Pros fan, I adore this vid.
Where to find it
Download (Circuit Archive)
Stream (Gwyenth's Imeem)
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