Resonant's slash fiction
Thanks for
100,000 hits!The stories on this page are slash -- that is, they feature media characters in same-sex romances, and many of them include explicit male/male sex. Ratings are provided below.
About warnings: At some point I plan to go through the stories and make sure they have appropriate warnings (my current plan is to warn for underage sex, consent issues, sexual violence, and harm to children and animals, or threats thereof), but I haven't done that yet. You can safely assume that the ratings accurately reflect how much sex there is in the story and how explicit it is, but other issues may not be warned for yet, so proceed with caution or e-mail me if you have questions.
About the story notes: (1) They often include spoilers, so you might want to save them until after you've read the story. (2) I want you to read them, because they're where I get to say "thank you" to all the other brains I've raided. (3) In order to bribe you to read them, I occasionally use them to link to extra sex scenes that got deleted from earlier drafts of the story. Just so you know.
Jump to: Avengers (movieverse) -- Sherlock (BBC) -- Stargate Atlantis -- Harry Potter -- Due South -- The Sentinel -- Other fandoms -- Dreamwidth -- E-mail -- How to Write a Sex Scene
What's New? May 2, 2012: Added a new Losers (movieverse) story, Impersonation
April 20, 2012: Added a new 21 Jump Street (movieverse) story, Destiny
February 15, 2012: Added a new Avengers (movieverse) story, Tolleranza
February 1, 2012: Added a new Avengers (movieverse) story, Accommodations
Avengers (movieverse)
Avengers movieverse
OFC/OMC(/Steve Rogers) -- NC-17 -- 3,900 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warnings.
Howling Commandos era. Steve goes to a brothel and learns something. Dreaded het warning.
February 15, 2012
Story notes for Tolleranza
Avengers movieverse
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark -- PG-13 -- 3,600 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warnings.
Five reasons the Avengers don't want to live together, and five reasons maybe they do after all
February 1, 2012
Story notes for Accommodations
Steve Likes Tony
Avengers movieverse
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark -- NC-17 -- 3,100 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warnings.
One of them is very confused.
January 6, 2012
Story notes for Steve Likes Tony
Exactly the Way You Like It
Avengers movieverse
Steve Rogers/Tony Stark -- NC-17 -- 2,000 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warnings.
Two thousand words of virginity kink. You already know if that's something you're interested in reading.
October 23, 2011
Story notes for Exactly the Way You Like ItSherlock (BBC)
Close Enough
Sherlock/John -- NC-17 -- 3,100 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): Mild violence.
Rescuing Sherlock is not for the fainthearted.
April 26, 2011
Story notes for Close Enough
Sherlock/John -- G -- 600 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
"I require close physical contact in order to continue functioning with this level of muscle tension," Sherlock announced. "But I don't wish to have sex."
April 26, 2011
Story notes for Contact
Sherlock/John -- NC-17 -- 3,400 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
"Right, then," said Sherlock. "I'll need you out by the thirtieth."
January 24, 2011
Story notes for Home
Sherlock/John -- NC-17 -- 6,000 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
You certainly never forgot who you were kissing with Sherlock.
January 3, 2011
Story notes for Amenable
Other Fandoms
The Losers
Cougar Alvarez/Jake Jensen -- NC-17 -- 6100 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warnings.
"This is a dream assignment, and I am not going to fuck it up just because my teammates aren't secure enough in their masculinity," he said to Pooch."You ever nibble on my earlobe again, they will find your body in eight places," Pooch said, but Pooch didn't share Jensen's commitment to self-improvement. May 2, 2012
Story notes for Impersonation
21 Jump Street (movie)
Jenko/Schmidt -- NC-17 -- 950 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warnings.
"Did you ever think," Jenko whispered, "that, like, the universe has a plan for us?""Dude," Schmidt said, "you were supposed to confiscate it, not smoke it."
April 20, 2012
Story notes for Destiny
In Which Cougar Always Looks
The Losers
Cougar Alvarez/Jake Jensen -- NC-17 -- 2,435 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): Non-explicit violence, some wound-related gore.
There were many things Cougar would have liked to unsee, but the world didn't work like that.
March 2, 2012
Story notes for In Which Cougar Always Looks
Super 8
Jack Lamb/Louis Dainard -- NC-17 -- 1,600 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warnings.
Jack had come to make peace. He couldn't remember how he'd ended up here.
July 24, 2011
Story notes for Dirty
Breaking and Entering
Arthur/Eames -- NC-17 -- 8,600 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): Mild violence.
Eames is very good at pretending.
July 18, 2011
Story notes for Breaking and Entering
Sincerely, L. Cohen
Leonard Cohen's song "Famous Blue Raincoat"
Narrator/rival -- R -- 1,900 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
I always tell you the truth. I can't seem to help myself.
October 14, 2010
Story notes for Sincerely, L. Cohen
Discworld (based on Night Watch)
Vimes/young Vetinari -- NC-17 -- 3,000 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
The only traces of the future Vetinari were the nose, the hands, and the stillness.
February 1, 2010
Story notes for Pseudopolis (including a brief summary of Night Watch to get you oriented)
The Bare Word
Horatio Hornblower litslash
Hornblower/Barry McCool -- NC-17 -- 1,500 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
The condemned man's last request
January 1, 2010
Story notes for The Bare Word
Georgette Heyer's The Foundling
Gilly/Gideon -- NC-17 -- 3,300 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Once again, Gilly fixes everything
November 11, 2009
Story notes for Natural
And Onto the Grass
young Gytha Ogg/young Esme Weatherwax -- PG -- 500 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
"In fact, I believe he thinks I'm his girl."
July 24, 2009
Story notes for And Onto the Grass
Hancock(/Mary)/Ray -- NC-17 -- 5,800 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Mary sends her love.
October 11, 2008
Story notes for Carry
Hancock/Ray -- NC-17 -- 1,765 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
You wanna know why superheroes don't have friends, Ray?
July 15, 2008
Story notes for Flight
Breakfast Club
Brian/Bender -- NC-17 -- 866 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
John lives for danger. A smutlet in the Higher Education universe.
April 24, 2007
Story notes for Bare
Higher Education
Breakfast Club
Brian/Bender -- NC-17 -- 82K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
John Bender gets a life
Story notes for Higher Education
Pippi Says Goodbye
Pippi Longstocking
Pippi/Tommy/Annika -- PG-13 -- 9K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Annika is the bravest of all of them.
September 4, 2004
Story notes for Pippi Says Goodbye
Telemachos, or The Genealogy of Buggery
Horatio Hornblower litslash
Hornblower/Longley -- NC-17 -- 40K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): May possibly be underage sex; Longley's age is canonically somewhat vague
A venerable Navy tradition is passed along.
September 8, 2003
Story notes for Telemachos
Stargate Atlantis
(co-written with Speranza) McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 1700 words
"It means it doesn't mean anything," Rodney says. "It's just something you do, like asking people how they are when you don't care, or telling people to look you up when they're in town." "So, pretty much your whole life, then," John says sincerely.
October 20, 2011
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning
Story notes for Phatic
Team Dynamics
John/Rodney/Ronon/Teyla -- NC-17 -- 4500 words
Ronon has a request, Teyla has a rule, John has issues, and Rodney has his doubts.
October 20, 2011
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning
Story notes for Team Dynamics
McKay/Zelenka -- NC-17 -- 2750 words
For h2j. In which it turns out that Radek Zelenka is a sex god.
December 27, 2008
Story notes for Spirit
Today's Disaster Forecast
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 1700 words
For dogeared, who prompts: Why is Rodney so determined to get out of the upcoming mission with John?
December 20, 2008
Story notes for Today's Disaster Forecast
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 500 words
For thefourthvine, who prompts: What's the longest John can go without an orgasm?
November 29, 2008
Story notes for Long
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 6,900 words
"Rodney, you are the strangest man I've ever met. And ... almost the strangest woman."
February 4, 2008
Story notes for Girlfriend
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 472 words
Rodney thinks it's too soon. Tough, because John's already made his mind up.
May 26, 2007
Story notes for Input
Field Conditions
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 820 words
"And don't tell me there are no mistakes in sex, because when you say, 'Ow,' this definitely indicates an error on my part."
May 16, 2007
Story notes for Field Conditions
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 4,700 words
The risk, the lying, the inevitable discovery: he'd just been handed a chance to undo it all.
February 19, 2007
Story notes for Undoing
Term of Service
McKay/Sheppard, McKay/OFC, Sheppard/OFC -- NC-17 -- 19,000 words
"You're telling me that you would sell your bodies for curiosity, orbital shielding, and a quarter-charged ZPM?" "Well, yeah. Who wouldn't?"
Warnings for Dreaded Het, noncon, and the author taking a shameful amount of pleasure in dressing John Sheppard up like a paper doll.
September 21, 2006
Story notes for Term of Service
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 2200 words
McKay was the perfect object for a crush you never intended to do anything about.
July 1, 2006
Story notes for Reality
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 4000 words
"There really ought to be a school slut," he told the new kid, whose name was John. "All the movies and TV shows specifically promise a school slut."
June 2, 2006
Story notes for Experience
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 520 words
"Sleep to sex in under ten seconds. Maybe I'm not sorry I woke you after all."
April 3, 2006
Story notes for Poltergeist
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 645 words
Rodney never stops talking, just the way John imagined.
April 3, 2006
Story notes for Knowing
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 930 words
John can't keep up the pace.
January 20, 2006
Story notes for Glimpse
Interface 1
McKay/Sheppard -- R -- 791 words
The inside of McKay's brain was worse than TV news.
January 20, 2006
Story notes for the Interface series
Interface 2
McKay/Sheppard -- PG -- 676 words
Rodney might have said a time or two that if you walked through Sheppard's head you'd hear an echo, but he'd never expected it to be literally true.
January 20, 2006
Story notes for the Interface series
Interface 3
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 2011 words
"I'm just as much here as I always am."
January 20, 2006
Story notes for the Interface series
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 16K
Rodney likes variety.
November 23, 2005
Story notes for Experiment
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 1000 words
What Rodney says when he says nothing.
November 16, 2005
Story notes for Quiet
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 2300 words
How many minutes would a mouthful of lukewarm water add to Sheppard's lifespan? What would it feel like?
October 26, 2005
Story notes for Thirst
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 14,900
This slave-owner thing was a lot of responsibility.
July 4, 2005
Story notes for Advantage
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 10K
The closed-circuit cameras in Atlantis are astonishing marvels of technology.
June 8, 2005
Story notes for Resolution
Speranza's sequel, Clarity
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 6K
Now he can leave if he wants to.
June 3, 2005
Story notes for Coffee
Missing scene from shalott's A Beautiful Lifetime Event (definitely read shalott's story first)
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 20K
A different way the sex scene could have gone
May 30, 2005
Story notes for the missing scene
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 64K
Aliens force John and Rodney not to have sex.
May 16, 2005
Story notes for Abstain
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 20K
John doesn't have a phobia at all.
May 3, 2005
Story notes for Warning
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 20K
What it takes to get Rodney's full attention
May 2, 2005
Story notes for Cred
The Speed of Light
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 16K
A little quick thinking
April 30, 2005
Story notes for The Speed of Light
McKay/Sheppard -- NC-17 -- 24K
If the dandelions were going to make McKay temporarily blind, they could at least have had the decency to make John temporarily deaf.
April 30, 2005
Story notes for Blindsided
Harry Potter
Crossover: Harry Potter/Ratatouille (sort of; it's complicated)
Snape (sort of; it's complicated)/Horst -- NC-17 -- 2,700 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Snape finds a happy ending by starting again in a different story
August 11, 2009
Story notes for Appetite
How Much
Harry/Remus/Snape -- R -- 400 words
For dementordelta, who prompts: "How much do I love you?"
December 27, 2008
Story notes for How Much
Fragments, unfinished and/or unbetaed:
Harry/Snape -- NC-17 -- 3400 words
Finished but flawed. Thanks to Fox and Julad.
"Where the devil is Potter? He's the designated hero. It's his job."
July 18, 2007
Snape/Lupin -- NC-17 -- 6300 words
"You took the cure." "Yes, but the wolf is still there."
July 18, 2007
Cannily, Cannily
Snape gen -- G -- 800 words
July 18, 2007
Finished but pointless
Harry/Percy -- PG -- 1200 words
Every Weasley wants something he can't have. That's what makes a Weasley.
July 18, 2007
Unfinished. Was going to be a smutlet for Icarus, but breaks off where the smut would begin.
Green Earrings
Hermione/Angelina/Katie -- PG -- 1500 words
So pretty.
July 18, 2007
Not quite unfinished, but doesn't add up to much.
The Project
Harry/Snape -- NC-17 -- 5000 words of story plus 2000 words of chat log
He wished it had been anyone but Snape.
July 18, 2007
Unfinished. I feel I should put some sort of warning on this, because Cesca hated it -- scenes that I'd thought of as merely distant and clinical had a horrible squicky noncon feeling to her. You know your own squicks; if you have any concerns, e-mail me with questions before you click.
Harry/Snape/Lupin -- oh so NC-17 -- 14,300 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): Voluntary drug use which may affect consent. Reference to past involuntary drug use which affected consent.
Harry brews a potion.
July 18, 2007
Unfinished. Beta thanks to Beth, Giglet, and Julad.
True Minds
Harry/Snape -- R -- 4200 words
Legilimency and everything after.
July 18, 2007
This is mostly notes; what little narrative there is is an odd style because a lot of it is taking place inside a Legilimancy session. The story would have been a big, significant one if I'd ever been able to write it, which is probably why I couldn't.
(A sequel to Transfigurations)
Ron/Hermione -- PG-13 -- 12K
"Anything else want fixing?"
July 6, 2005
Story notes for Repairs
Four and a Half Minutes
Harry/Ron -- G -- 4K
After a Potions accident, Harry needs something.
May 19, 2005
Story notes for Four and a Half Minutes
Harry/Snape -- NC-17 -- 4K
Why does Harry keep coming back?
September 23, 2004
Story notes for Tidal
Harry/Ron -- NC-17 -- 4K
They don't have very many scars.
September 23, 2004
Story notes for Surviving
Harry-Snape -- NC-17 -- 4K
"No. Tell me."
September 23, 2004
Story notes for Plummet
Too Far
Ron/Hermione (Dreaded Het Warning) -- NC-17 -- 4K
August 14, 2004
Story notes for Too Far
Harry/Ron/Hermione -- G -- 12K
A sequel to Bed and Board
"You can tell an old school chum. Which of you is the real father?"
August 5, 2004
Story notes for Paternity
Harry/Ron -- NC-17 -- 4K
August 2, 2004
Story notes for Home
Harry/Ron/Hermione -- NC-17 -- 4K
Sleep porn.
July 31, 2004
Story notes for Fair
Harry/Snape -- NC-17 -- 4K
Control isn't everything.
July 20, 2004
Story notes for Timing
Lupin/Black -- NC-17 -- 4K
Remus gives in.
July 15, 2004
Story notes for Surrender
Snape/Lupin -- NC-17 -- 4K
Snape sets a trap.
July 12, 2004
Story notes for Capture
Harry/Ron -- NC-17 -- 10K
Underage? Depends on whether you decide it happens before July or after.
The events of "The Hang Of It" through Ron's eyes
May 19, 2004
Story notes for Hanging
The Hang Of It
Harry/Ron -- NC-17 -- 11K
Underage? Depends on whether you decide it happens before July or after.
Harry and Ron figure things out.
May 5, 2004
Story notes for The Hang Of It
DVD commentary track for The Transfigurations with special guest appearances by Julad!
April 28, 2004
Bed and Board
Harry/Ron/Hermione -- NC-17 -- 48K
No underage (although they're having the sex we all wished we were having at seventeen)
Harry finds his place in the postwar world.
March 15, 2004
Story notes for Bed and Board
Harry/Draco -- R -- 4K
No underage
Carrying on. (A drabble.) An anniversary follow-up to Bruise
August 11, 2003
Story notes for Marked
Snape/Harry -- NC-17 -- 10K
No underage
Tapping into the source. An anniversary follow-up to The Familiar
August 11, 2003
Story notes for Wellspring
Harry/Draco -- NC-17 -- 400K
No underage
Five years after Voldemort's defeat, Harry returns to England to help re-open Hogwarts.
April 25, 2003
Or read one chapter at a time:
1. Homing
2. Ruins
3. Sacrifice
4. Synergy
5. Lessons
6. The Ripple Effect
7. All Souls
8. Greetings
9. Modern History
10. Finding
11. The League of Protection
12. Magic Fatigue
13. Duels
14. Dungeons
15. Memorials
16. Sorting
Read the DVD commentary track for Transfigurations
Story notes for Transfigurations
Art for Transfigurations, by Sally Ridout:
Art for Transfigurations, by The Theban Band:
Sorting feast -- "A Malfoy was out for himself, first, last, and always. It was strangely reassuring to know some things hadn't changed."
Greenhouse scene -- ' "Wait," Malfoy said softly, "don't. I'm all dirty." 'Cover for Transfigurations, by Fox
Transfigurations Draco, by Duckpuppy
Alive In Here
Snape/Draco -- NC-17 -- 16K
Among the Death Eaters
November 16, 2002
Story notes for Alive In Here
Harry/Snape -- R -- 8K
No underage
A depressing Harry/Snape snippet. Could vaguely be considered a follow-up to Down, You Lie Down Too.
November 16, 2002
Story notes for Bruise
The Familiar
Harry/Snape -- NC-17 -- 40K
No underage
A potion goes awry.
October 5, 2002
Story notes for The Familiar
Cover for The Familiar, by Barbana
Graphic novel adaptation of The Familiar, by Alina. (Work in progress, updated weekly.)
Down, You Lie Down Too
Harry/Snape -- NC-17 -- 12K
No underage
A brief interlude of peace.
August 30, 2002
Story notes for Down, You Lie Down Too
Due South
A Man Or No
Young Ray/Young Stella -- NC-17 -- 1,630 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
In which Ray doesn't know what hit him.
July 20, 2009
Story notes for A Man or No
Interdepartmental Cooperation
Crossover with Diana Wynne Jones' Chrestomanci books -- gen OMG -- 1,000 words
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
"You do not grab the mysterious beans and take them into the storage closet without me, got it? Those are Chicago beans, and Chicago is going to be there when you deal with them."
November 30, 2008
Story notes for Interdepartmental Cooperation
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 12K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Choose your first blow wisely, and sometimes it's the only one you'll need.
May 25, 2005
Story notes for Wedge
Campfire Tales
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 24K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Telling the truth is tougher than it looks.
March 15, 2005
Story notes for Campfire Tales
Turnbull/Kowalski -- R -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Dief uncovers Turnbull's secret.
March 9, 2005
Story notes for Mortification
Ray/Ray -- PG -- 12K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): Reference to child abuse.
Looks bad, seven stitches on a kid who's still got baby teeth.
September 23, 2004
Story notes for Lip
Intelligence Failure
Ray/Ray -- NC-17 -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
There's always something left out of the file.
September 20, 2004
Story notes for Intelligence Failure
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Ray can keep a secret, when he wants to.
August 16, 2004
Story notes for Subterfuge
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
August 14, 2004
Story notes for Return
Ray/Ray/Thatcher -- NC-17 -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
July 15, 2004
Story notes for Comparison
Ray/Ray -- NC-17 -- 4K
Vecchio changes his mind.
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
July 12, 2004
Story notes for Proof
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Ray enjoys the view.
July 6, 2004
Story notes for Fascination
Fraser/Kowalski -- R -- 4K
Stella passes the baton
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
July 5, 2004
Story notes for TransitionPlus: Three stories previously published on DS Flashfiction:
Getting the Message
Fraser/Kowalski -- G -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Communication is a wonderful thing.
July 5, 2004
Story notes for Getting the Message
Fraser/Kowalski -- G -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
A cop holiday, a cop meal, a cop relationship.
July 5, 2004
Story notes for Potluck
Explanatory Notes
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 4K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
"I gotta explain everything to you, Fraser?"
July 5, 2004
Story notes for Explanatory Notes
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 17K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Ray and Fraser at home. Anniversary follow-up to Housekeeping
August 11, 2003
Story notes for Homemaking
Fraser/Kowalski -- G -- 5K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Fraser and Ray get ready for an adventure. An anniversary follow-up to Adorned
August 11, 2003
Story notes for Borealis
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 16K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Fraser gets a tattoo. An anniversary follow-up to The Teeth of the Hydra
August 11, 2003
Story notes for Display
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 16K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
It was quite a while before Ray knew whether Fraser was noisy in bed or not.
May 20, 2003
Story notes for Whisper
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 12K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
A little Halloween candy.
September 24, 2002
Story notes for Hallow
The Teeth of the Hydra
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 140K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): References to a number of quasi-sexual assaults (it's a case story)
A tattoo story.
July 13, 2002
Read the DVD commentary track for The Teeth of the Hydra
(added February 23, 2004)
Story notes for The Teeth of the Hydra
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 8K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
For reasons that don't need exploring at this juncture, Fraser and Ray are having sex.
May 9, 2002
Story notes for Juncture
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 35K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Fraser finally finishes his father's cabin.
February 3, 2002
Story notes for Housekeeping
Ray/Ray -- NC-17 -- 9K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Two cast-offs, one armchair.
January 5, 2002
Story notes for Left
Three snippets from the Canadian Shack Challenge
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
In the Dark. Fraser/Kowalski, R, 5K.
Quest. Frannie/Turnbull, G, 5K.
Bait and Switch. Ray/Ray, PG, 5K.
January 5, 2002
Read the story notes for the Shack snippets
Loving North
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 35K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Ray goes north and learns to see again.
December 2, 2001
Story notes for Loving North
Sixteenth of June
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 65K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Fraser keeps an eye on Ray for signs of a broken heart.
November 16, 2001
Story notes for Sixteenth of June
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 30K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Sometimes you have to help gravity along.
October 9, 2001
Story notes for Tilt
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 16K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): Brief reference to child prostitution
A second-time story.
August 24, 2001
Story notes for Amends
American Way
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 100K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
When crime victims are afraid of Canadians, Ray and Fraser have to do a little cultural exchange.
August 4, 2001
Story notes for American Way
Broadway Hotel
Serge Awards 2001 winner: Best Story, Best Romance, Best Kowalski/Fraser, Best Drama (tie)
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 37K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
The expedition's over, and Ray has to learn how to be himself again.
June 7, 2001
Story notes for Broadway Hotel
Cover for Broadway Hotel, by Livia
Cover for Broadway Hotel, by Sandra.
Fraser/Kowalski -- G -- 6K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Two library memories and a kiss.
June 6, 2001
Story notes for Reference
A Modest Proposal
Serge Awards 2001 winner: Best Drama (tie)
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 110K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Ray has the perfect solution to his romantic woes. Strangely, Fraser isn't cooperating.
April 24, 2001
Story notes for A Modest Proposal
A Fine and Private Place
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 23K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Set immediately after "Eclipse." Fraser seizes the day.
April 7, 2001
Story notes for A Fine and Private Place
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 41K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Ray thinks about making a mark
January 2001
Story notes for Adorned
Too Sweet
Fraser/Kowalski -- NC-17 -- 41K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Fraser cooks. Then Fraser and Ray cook.
late 2000
Story notes for Too Sweet
Fraser/Kowalski -- G -- 12K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Real life is confusing, but a dancer always knows where he's supposed to be.
Summer 2000
Story notes for Reel
The Sentinel
Take Seven
Jim/Blair -- PG -- 20K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim meets Blair for the first time. And then he meets Blair for the first time. And then ...
July 19, 2005
Story notes for Take Seven
The Six Weeks snippets, follow-ups to Anoint and Midnight Oil.
Cold Feet
Jim/Blair -- G -- 4KClean
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 9K Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim/Blair -- G -- 4K Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 7K Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim/Blair -- G -- 8K Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 11K Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Story notes for the Six Weeks snippets
by Resonant and Kass
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 29K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Was Walt Whitman a sentinel? Is this conversation never going to be over?
February 13, 2002
Story notes for Origin
by Livia and Resonant
Jim/Blair -- NC-17
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
In two parts, each about 100K
Jim discovers his sixth sense
November 11, 2000
Story notes for Nuance
Thirteen Christmas Traditions
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 29K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim and Blair's first Christmas Eve at the loft
December 1999
Story notes for Thirteen Christmas Traditions
Jim/Blair -- PG -- 3K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Blair hates being socially acceptable
April 2000
Story notes for Defiance
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 65K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
A sentinel, a guide, and a New Age alarm clock
January 2000
Story notes for Waking
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 56K
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim gets an offer he can't believe. Some time later, Blair gets an offer he can't refuse.
late 1999
Story notes for Tender
The "lost sequel" to Tender
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim/Blair -- PG-13 -- 2,500 words (15K)
Orphaned by a cut in the beta process, Knoxville has been sitting all alone on my hard drive ever since.
February 2001
Story notes for Knoxville
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 2,900 words (17K)
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim teaches Blair a new skill.
late 1999
Story notes for Know-How
Jim/Blair -- R -- 1,100 words (8K)
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
A brief glimpse of the well-honed machine that is Ellison and Sandburg.
November 1999
Story notes for Granted
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 4,100 words (26K)
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Blair brings home some stained-glass windows. Jim looks at the glass. Blair looks at Jim.
late 1999
Story notes for Light
The Anoint series
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 4,400 words (27K)
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Blair thinks outside the box to solve a toiletries crisis.
August 1999
Story notes for Anoint
Midnight Oil
Sequel to Anoint
Warnings, if any (highlight to read): No particular warning.
Jim/Blair -- NC-17 -- 4,400 words (26K)
Cooking substances are actually used for cooking, and latex is further discussed.
September 1999
Story notes for Midnight Oil
Want to put me on your links page or your recs page? Want to review one of my stories? Want to use me as a Terrible Warning To Those Who Will Not Mend Their Ways? Go for it. You don't even have to ask. I welcome all feedback and critique, public and private, positive and negative. Basically I just like the attention.